ideosorter. An 8values-style political quiz aimed at anti-authoritarian leftists. ideosorter

 An 8values-style political quiz aimed at anti-authoritarian leftistsideosorter  27

• 4 days ago. 1 / 2. The best alternative is 8values, which is both free and Open Source. Ideosorter is, in essence, a political quiz that attempts to assign an ideology that matches your views the closest by asking questions to you based on a flowchart model. It’s pretty cool, has a lot of good ideas about private land being spread as evenly as possible, has a focus on local rule, as well as local economies and small businesses. My results look weird. Ideosorter - Results. Posted in the PoliticalCompass community. Basic to Stalinism was the doctrine of “ socialism in one country,” which held that, though the socialist goal of world proletarian revolution was not to be abandoned, a viable classless society could be built within Soviet boundaries and despite encirclement by a largely capitalist world. Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile) and modern-day researchers and writers on fascism, such as Stanley Payne [A History of Fascism 1914-1945; Fascism, Comparison and. And involves a fusion of co-ops and small businesses. An 8values-style political quiz aimed at anti-authoritarian leftists. Christian nationalism can work, but ethnic religion will forge the strongest national identity. github. r/Politicaltests. This test. Online. io development by creating an account on GitHub. Test your skills with flags from around the world. Stalin, appealing both to socialist revolutionary fervour and to. Ideosorter info, screenshots &. Config files for my GitHub profile. Free • Open Source. Check the comments below for the test link and my inspiration, as well as why I. This test will sort you into one of 57 different ideologies based on your answers to these questions; maybe you'll discover something you didn't know about yourself!The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Social Libertarianism is a form of Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism that deems that a universal basic income, combined with maximum. Share your opinion on civil service as well as public co-operation. io Top Marketing Channels. github. Social Libertarianism is a form of Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism that deems that a universal basic income, combined with maximum individual freedoms, is a necessity to achieve a fair. - ideosorter. - LibRight. Ideosorter is described as 'The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts' and is an website. 42. A political quiz that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed. You're a Social Libertarian. Ideosorter - Results. Ideosorter - Results. Ideosorter, but fixed! Contribute to fixedsorter/fixedsorter. Ideosorter 3 requirements A browser that supports. 1. The first two aren't an issue of conservatism. It’s a mixed-economy method of governance prominently led by Catholic thinkers like GK Chesterton. You're a National Socialist. 你将会看到一系列观点,请点击对应按钮选择你对于每个观点的看法,请尽量放在中国语境下思考。 你可能会看到一些会对你的世界观造成强烈冲击的观点,这些观点仅用于测试,不意味着作者或其他人持有这些观点。Ideosorter - Results. Ideosorter is a flowchart based interactive political quiz that attempts to bring a different approach to political quizzes. - LibLeft. There is no need for public services. Unlike many other quizzes, rather than. You're a National Socialist. ideosorter. (link to test below). Companies are leaving New York for a reason and that’s purely because of. github. It’s explicitly designed as an. Ideosorter. It incorporates fervent. Ideosorter is, in essence, a political quiz that attempts to assign an ideology that matches your views the closest by asking questions to you based on a flowchart model. The top traffic source to ideosorter. There are seven alternatives to 8values, not only websites but also apps for. W or L? Nationalism is not very compatible with a theocracy (unless it's pagan). National Socialism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. 68. The last one isn't traditionally conservative, but because it's used in the name of conservatism, I'd say it's heterodox (non-traditional) conservatism. The best alternative is PolitiScale, which is free. Distributism is a third-way, free market, center-right ideology. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is an ideology that deems that a stage of state managed capitalism is necessary to create the conditions necessary for a sucessful socialist societyDon't forget to HIT the NOTIFICATION BELL & Be the First to see the new video uploads! For more Funny Tik Toks SUBSCRIBE Political Compass Alternatives. Ideosorter is a flowchart based interactive political quiz. 27. A monarchy economically speaking can be literally anything, you can have a traditionalist society and a monarch, a fascist economy and a monarchic government, a laissez-faire economy and a monarchic government, even literally a socialist economy and a monarchic government (search monarco-socialism), anyway, monarchism does not fit at this test. Also swipe for the most annoying, cringe statement I've ever read in a test) 1 / 2. Polcompballvalues. The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. • 7 days ago. New york’s economy is mostly bad because of the bad taxes supporting the many levels of bureaucracy in New York, with all of these workers in government unions being most of it. 2. Other great sites and apps similar to 8values are 9Axes, RightValues, Ideosorter and Prism. . 92% of traffic. Tissy409600K. Stalinism, the method of rule, or policies, of Joseph Stalin, Soviet Communist Party and state leader from 1929 until his death in 1953. You're a Social Libertarian. There are nine alternatives to The Political Compass, not only websites but also apps for. io/tree. github. The best alternative is 8values, which is both free and Open. Supposedly a rejection of capitalism and socialism. A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what. 3. Join. Services that you pay for anyway should be privatized. I made ChatGPT take the Sapply Values Test. Ideosorter is, in essence, a political quiz that attempts to assign an ideology that matches your views the closest by asking questions to you based on a flowchart model. share. It feels very centrist to me. [deleted] • 2 yr. Ideosorter is, in essence, a political quiz that attempts to assign an ideology that matches your views the closest by asking questions to you based on a flowchart model. io is Direct traffic, driving 40. A bit messy. NOTE: BOXES NORTH-EAST OF QUESTION ARE ANSWERED “YES” AND BOXES SOUTH-EAST ARE ANSWERED “NO”. A personality quiz aimed at the members of the polcompball community. 1. io. Ideosorter is a flowchart based interactive political quiz that attempts to bring a different approach to political quizzes. Normal Quiz (It answer neutral for a majority of questions) 111. Ideosorter - Results You're a Social Georgist Social Georgism is an ideology that deems that Georgist principles of public land ownership and land value tax perfectly complement. •. Funny that we agree on this, you, an anti-nationalist Christian theocrat and me a Pagan nationalist. The statements found in the above questions were extrapolated from the work of both actual fascists (e. 你脚下的这片热土; 俄新社:俄罗斯应该对乌克兰做什么? 共同富裕谨防“福利主义”陷阱; 有个词叫沉默的大多数,这帮人才是社会的主流,他们崇尚奋斗、积极向上8values中文版 开始! 什么是8values? 8values是一个政治立场测试,它会将根据你的测试结果为八种不同的政治意识形态级分配百分比和最佳匹配。 你将看到一些观点,然后对这些观点选择你的态度,从“ 非常同意 ”到“ . Dissident right test. A few months ago, i saw a post here about a flowchart of ideosorter, but it was not complete, that flowchart doesnt have all the communist ideologies, so i decided to make my own flowchart with all the ideologies of ideosorter, is poorly designed in Paint but i hope that you like it :) 26 comments. Here is how I interpret the compass with the classical 1 axis Left/Right, open to suggestion/question. I made a flowchart inspired by the Ideosorter test. It contains all pathways in the test if you wish to view all possible outcomes for analytic purposes or if you have nothing better to do. ago. The people should handle the economy. Ideosorter. ANB12345678. 8values is described as 'a political quiz that attempts to assign percentages for eight different political values' and is an website. 19% of desktop visits last month, and Organic Search is the 2nd with 34. . Wikipedia equates it to family business. The Political Compass is described as 'continually accessible profile of a political personality applicable to all democracies' and is an website. B. One of the top posts of all time on political compass memes puts it as a very centrist left, just over the axis into auth territory. You're a Distributist. Drill down into the main traffic drivers in each channel below. The most underutilized channel is Paid Search. Suggest changes. Return to Index. github. • 3 days ago. Ideosorter - Results. JavaScript 63 21 Ideosorter Public. There are seven alternatives to Ideosorter, not only websites but also apps for. The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. A. Ideosorter 3 requirements8values是一个政治立场测试,它会将根据你的测试结果为八种不同的政治意识形态级分配百分比和最佳匹配。. All services can be handled by the private sector. National Socialism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. 选择你的语言 English Čeština (Not finished) 简体中文 English Čeština (Not finished) 简体中文The "How Fascist Are You?" Test is the property of IDR Labs International. save. 你将看到一些观点,然后对这些观点选择你的态度,从“ 非常同意 ”到“ 非常不同意 ”每个选项都将影响你的测试结. 第一个问题是分辨您的左右的,如果选左,我有个新结果. The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. LiberationValues. SLIDE #2 IS NO TO QUESTION #1. The ideosorter political quiz is a test that assigns you an ideology based on a flowchart as opposed to traditional methods via aproximations of bars or charts. Try our 10 question quiz and see if you can guess the flag!7. Prism Political Quiz attempts to provide you with the breakdown of your ideology in 6 dimensions: Government, Economy, Society, Religion, Security, and Foreign Policy. This test will sort you into one of 57 different ideologies based on your answers to these questions; maybe you'll discover something you didn't know about yourself!Hey guys. Stalinism is associated with a. html at master · Ideosorter/ideosorter. g. 17. SECOND, SLIDE #1 IS YES TO QUESTION #1. In social studies, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order. The civil service is incompetent and dysfunctional.